Great Seiban Trail

The Great Seiban provides a shorter route than taking the L’Esperance Road for those hikers wishing to visit the Seiban Estate or the Baobob Tree. There are impressive views of Fish Bay and the Fish Bay Valley along the trail.

How To Get There:

Heading east on Fish Bay Road, take the first left after crossing the bridge over the Fish Bay Gut, which is Cocoloba Trail, at the first intersection, bear right, staying on Cocoloba Trail Road. Take the first left and head up the hill to the first switchback. The trail begins there, marked by white paint on the utility pole.

seiban trail view

Distance: 0.5 mile

The Great Seiban has a moderate incline with an elevation of about 360 feet at the Fish Bay trailhead and about 580 feet at the intersection of the L’Esperance Road, a gain of 220 feet over the half mile of trail.

About the Trail

An old Danish Road, the Great Sieban, connects the L’Esperance Road at Estate Seiban to Fish Bay. The trail descends from the Sieban Ruins near the baobab tree, following the contour of the Fish Bay Valley, and leads to a residential area of Fish Bay.

The hand-built road constructed in colonial times has weathered the centuries well, as can be seen by the good condition of much of the stone retaining walls supporting the lower side of the road.

The Great Sieban passes through the shady, moist forest with stands of guava berry, West Indian Birch, genip, and turpentine trees underneath, which are bromeliads, anthuriums, and love leaves.

seiban stairways

The trail leading up to the Seiban ruins from Fish Bay is in very good condition until you reach the upper elevations, where guinea grass has overgrown the trail somewhat. The spur trail between the Seiban ruins and the L’Esperance Road is in poor condition.

The Seiban ruins are in fair condition. The Grand Stairway is totally overgrown, and the view into Fish Bay from the boulders behind the baobab tree is completely obscured by vegetation.